
If you need an appointment with or advice from a member of the team, click on this eConsult link to fill in a form. One of our staff will contact you with an appropriate appointment or advice.

The form will gather the same information asked by our clinician at the first contact. eConsult is an online service which helps patients access the help and advice they need at the right time, in the right place with the right person.

Forms will be available from 6.30am to 6.30pm

Pharmacy First

As an alternative option to getting medical advice at Holmwood Corner your local pharmacies are also able to offer a variety of treatments.  There is an option known as Pharmacy First within which pharmacists can assess particular conditions and if antibiotics are necessary can provide these without any contact needed with the GP.

Alongside the many conditions that pharmacists can advice about the specific illnesses that can be assessed as part of the Pharmacy First are;

  • earache (aged 1 to 17 years)
  • impetigo (aged 1 year and over)- a contagious skin infection
  • infected insect bites (aged 1 year and over)
  • shingles (aged 18 years and over)- infection that causes a painful rash
  • sinusitis (aged 12 years and over)- infection of the sinuses (behind the forehead, cheeks and nose)
  • sore throat (aged 5 years and over)
  • urinary tract infections or UTIs (women aged 16 to 64 years)


If you would like a consultation with the pharmacist for one of the above conditions you can use the link below to answer a few questions.  After submitting that form we at Holmwood Corner will electronically approve this and the pharmacy will make contact with you.

We will usually approve the submission within 1-2 hours during our usual opening hours 8.15am to 6.30pm weekdays so you can also make direct contact with the pharmacy you chose 2 hours after your form submission to make arrangements for an assessment of your symptoms if you have not heard from them within that time.

At times when the GP is not open to approve your request for pharmacy assistance you can still make direct contact with your pharmacy for advice on any conditions including those above.

Getting the contraceptive pill without a prescription

You may be able to get the contraceptive pill from a pharmacy if you need to:

  • start the contraceptive pill for the first time
  • take the contraceptive pill again after a break from using it If you already have a prescription for the contraceptive pill, you can use the prescription as usual.

Or you can get the pill from a pharmacy without a prescription if you prefer. Find a pharmacy that offers the contraceptive pill without a prescription - NHS

Get a free blood pressure check

You can get a free blood pressure checked at a pharmacy without seeing a GP, if you:

  • are aged 40 or over
  • live in England

You cannot get a free blood pressure check if you:

  • already have high blood pressure
  • have had your blood pressure checked by a healthcare professional in the past 6 months

Some pharmacies offer a free blood pressure check. Find a pharmacy that offers free blood pressure checks - NHS

Also, if the surgery is not open and you have run out of your usual ‘repeat’ medication, please see here to obtain an emergency prescription.

Team members you may have contact with

First Contact Physiotherapist

These are experienced physiotherapists who diagnose and manage conditions affecting your joints and muscles.  There is a common misunderstanding that they provide ongoing courses of physiotherapy but as their role title suggests they are instead a great first point of contact to help you understand what is causing your symptoms and to discuss and arrange the best treatment options for you.  They can arrange investigations and referrals for adults as a GP would and can organise painkillers if required also.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner

These are independent practitioners that, as the name suggests, assess your medical needs to an advanced level.  They can provide you with prescriptions and arrange investigations or referrals for you as a GP would, dealing with the huge range of medical issues that you as patients may be struggling with.

Social Prescriber

Social prescribers are there to help explore with you what support you may benefit from to complement your medical treatment.  Their skills and knowledge is wide ranging and depending on who you see they may support you in understanding what financial support is available to you and helping you with claiming this, finding and arranging local services that you would benefit from seeing and also ensure that you continue to improve and maintain your wellbeing.

If you think you may benefit from their expertise do mention it to any member of the team when you next speak to them or use our online system eConsult to let us know how we can help you.

Clinical Pharmacist

They are able to assess your medical issues advising on many common health issues.  Their expertise extend far beyond administering medication and they can use their experience in helping you ensure your medical conditions are managed in the best way to meet your needs.

Mental Health Practitioner

They have expertise in assessing and supporting you with any mental health condition you may have, whether it be new or more longstanding, including advice regarding starting new medication or altering any medications you may already take.

Providing NHS Services

Holmwood Corner Surgery 134 Malden Road, New Malden, Surrey KT3 6DR
Telephone: 020 8942 0066